Honey and horses

Categories: Bee products, Honey facts |

Researchers at the University of Sydney found that the simple application of the applicator with honey to wounds on the legs of horses reduces them in size and heals them in a short time.

Honey the horse - health benefits of manuka honey (3)

Honey was used to treat wounds of humanity in ancient Egypt, but this analysis, which used exotic Manuka honey from New Zealand, was the first in the world in which clinical trials were conducted on horse.

“The wounds of horse, especially the wound on its feet, have a longer healing periods. But we found that the use of Manuka honey gel leads to healing by 27 percent faster” – said the chief researcher Dr. Andrew Visshofbereger (Andrea Bischofberger).

“Wounds of horses, which are not treated, healed in an average in 64 days, but the treated with manuka honey gel, only 47 days,” – said Dr. Visshofbereger, which presented its findings on Veterinary Scientific Conference.

“In our experimental analysis we used pure honey, and in the second study, we used a gel based on the water with the 66 percentage of Manuka Honey. After applying the gel, which was lasted for 12 days, we found that the wounds that are handled by this drug, heal as well as those that were treated with pure honey. “

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The use of Manuka honey gel means expensive bandages and dressings can be changed as explained Dr. Visshofbereger. “With its faster wound healing effect in a relatively short period of time and the possibility of avoiding the application of all kinds of bandages, Manuka honey gel is extremely versatile and very affordable product for the treatment of wounds and have great health benefits.

In the third analysis, Dr. Visshofbereger and colleagues investigated how manuka honey actually works, helping to increase the rate of wound healing. Despite the fact that it has antibacterial and immune-modified properties in key curative phase (inflammatory phase), the exact mechanism of healing honey is still not clear to researchers.

“We know exactly that manuka honey wound treatment leads to a resumption of growth of healthy tissue” – said Dr. Visshofbereger.“The treatment of wounds  with Manuka honey also improves the growth of new blood vessels and increase the growth of the skin’s surface as compared to the control wounds” – added Dr. Visshofbereger.

It is worth noting that Dr. Visshofbereger is a Swiss veterinarian, currently works at the University of Sydney as a part of Research and Clinical Training Unit (REaCT). Her research work was carried out under the guidance of the project director Professor Andrew Dart (Andrew Dart), specialist of surgery and an expert on complications associated with injuries to the lower legs of horses. “Healing wounds on the limbs of horses, especially in the lower part of their legs is usually a long and complicated process compared to wounds on other parts of the animals,” – he said.

“The results of these studies have generated considerable national and international interest in the field of veterinary medicine and human medicine. There is potential for the use of Manuka honey gel, among a wide range of other animals with similar beneficial effects.”

Honey the horse - health benefits of manuka honey (1)

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Honey and horses

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