Is honey fattening

Categories: Bee products, Honey facts, Recipes for honey |

Do people get fat from honey? Of course, if you eat every day full jars. But go to get slim with honey? Now we will “see“. Honey – for weight loss. Read the “cases” where the honey helps to lose weight.

Is honey fattening - slimming with honey (2)

Honey bath. Preparation and application.

Honey (two hundred grams) is dissolved in warm water. Add milk (two liters) and essential oil (four drops). Take a bath for sixteen minutes.

Massage honey. Preparation and application.

add a few drops of essential oils in warm honey. Rub this mixture into problem parts of body. Rubbing lasts ten or fifteen minutes.

Honey wrap. Preparation and application.

Make mixture to help to “organize” the wrap:

  1. Honey wrap with alcohol: tablespoon of alcohol + two hundred grams of honey.
  2. Honey wrap with oil: three drops of citrus oil + two hundred grams of honey.
  3. Honey wrap with vinegar: 2 table. spoon alcohol + two hundred grams of honey.

The mixture is put on the body. Wrap the body with the foil. Hold the foil on the body for a hour and a half. After wash and dry the body.

Is honey fattening - slimming with honey (3)

Honey diet. Preparation and application.

First honey diet.

Honey diet is simple.

Breakfast of this diet:

  1. Lemon-honey tea.
  2. Nonfat yoghurt.

2nd breakfast of this diet:

  1. Juice.
  2. Jar of diet yogurt.

Lunch of this diet:

  1. Strawberries (two hundred grams).
  2. Tea with honey.
  3. Cauliflower (a little).

Snack of this diet:

  1. Grapefruit.
  2. Juice.

Dinner of this diet:

  1. Clabber.
  2. Honey (teaspoon).

After a week you will lose about six pounds.

Is honey fattening - slimming with honey (1)

Second honey diet.

Honey-egg diet.

Breakfast – (first day):

  1. A cup of coffee.
  2. Honey-protein mixture.

Lunch – (first day):

  1. Tea with lemon.
  2. Hard cheese (90 grams).

Dinner – (first day):

  1. Low-fat broth.
  2. A slice of bread (black).
  3. Pear.

Meal before going to bed:

  1. Tea with lemon and honey.
  2. Apple.

Breakfast of this diet (the second day):

  1. Tea with lemon and honey.
  2. A mixture of honey and protein.

Lunch of this diet (second day):

  1. Cottage cheese  (one hundred grams).
  2. A mixture of honey and protein.

Dinner of this diet (second day):

  1. Poultry meat (one hundred grams).
  2. Tea with lemon and honey.
  3. Lettuce (one hundred grams).

Meal before going to bed:

  1. Pear.
  2. Tea.

Breakfast of this diet (the third day):

  1. A mixture of honey and egg.
  2. Apple.
  3. Coffee or tea.

Lunch of this diet (third day):

  1. Salad with lemon.
  2. Black bread (one hundred grams).
  3. Cheese (fifty grams).

Dinner of this diet (third day):

  1. Tea with lemon and honey.
  2. A boiled egg.
  3. Boiled vegetables (three hundred grams).

Meal before going to bed:

  1. Tea.
  2. Apple.


Third honey diet.

The two-day honey diet.

First day.


  1. Unsweetened tea with a slice of lemon.
  2. A mixture of egg yolks and honey.
  3. Muesli (half a cup).


  1. A few spoonfuls of honey.
  2. Chicken broth.
  3. Mineral water (glass).


  1. Tea with two spoons of honey.
  2. Muesli.
  3. Slice of bread.

Second day.


  1. Glass of any juice.
  2. One spoonful of honey.
  3. Muesli (small cup).


  1. Chicken broth.
  2. One spoonful of honey.
  3. Mineral water (several small cups).


  1. Honey (as you wish).
  2. Half cup of tea.
  3. Three tablespoons of curd.


Useful properties of honey:

  1. Honey can kill even “running” cellulite.
  2. Honey improves memory.
  3. Honey helps cancer (of rectum).
  4. Honey has a beneficial effect on the stomach.
  5. Honey heals burns perfectly.
  6. Honey increases the number of necessary bacteria in the digestive channels.
  7. Honey softens the skin.
  8. Honey “addictive” scars.
  9. Honey saves from stress and depression.
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